
There has been a long tradition of dairy production in the region of Záhorie. Following this tradition was established the first dairy plant, with the production dating back to 1951. The plant processed row cow’s milk, which had been bought from farmers coming from three districts. In the same area is our company active also today.

The dairy plant has since its establishment undergone several changes. After the break-up of the state company Milex in 1992 it was transformed through privatization into the state joint-stock company named Senická mliekáreň (Senica dairy plant). In 1994, after being sold to the majority shareholder, became the dairy plant a private joint-stock company. New business plan following the company’s development is being implemented in a partnership with other Slovak dairy plants. In start of year 2012 Senická mliekáreň was transformed into Syráreň Havran. It continues in 60 years traditional production of cheese in Záhorie region.

Tradition and the quality of our Edam brick cheese are from this cheese continually forming solid foundations of the company’ s future, exporting more than 50% of the annual production. We have invested in new technologies, which enable to improve qualities of the products produced until now and to produce new kinds of products as well. Apart from our own products we offer within the region also the product range of other companies - Tami Kežmarok (, Agro Tami Nitra (

Senická mliekareň, a.s.
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