Cheese with the taste of home

Countryside of the Northern Záhorie is carved from the land by the line of the river Morava and foothills of the Small and White Carpathians. From the surface, slightly wavy as a tablecloth set on a table, rises above the country only 542 metres high hill Havran, that provides a view over the pasturelands and fields in all directions. This is the country we are bringing to your table, because its rich pasture turns in bodies of healthy cows into outstanding milk. Using modern technologies, we produce traditional cheese from Záhorie named after the hill above our heads. We are at the top of the food pyramid.

Cheese from Záhorie Havran is our quality label, which embodies our ideas about the path we want to follow. We are aware of the importance of the label for the identity of our cheese and this label is therefore consistently protected. Havran ripened, smoked, steamed and „half-oštiepok“ has been with big success introduced to the public on the world premiere during the International food exhibition SIAL 2010 in Paris. Cheese with the taste of our home has started to tell the story about its future.

Syr Havran


Nad Záhorím rovným ako dlaň sa týči malý kopec, ktorý dal meno veľkému syru – Havran.
Bohatá paša sa v telách zdravých kráv mení na vynikajúce mlieko s chuťou tejto krajiny.
Zo širokého okolia privážajú po cestách medzi poľami cisternové autá čerstvé mlieko na spracovanie k nám.
Dokonalá hygiena a technológie sprevádzajú premenu mlieka na syr s vynikajúcimi vlastnosťami.
Po tisícročiach zvyčajnej výroby sa stal z produkcie syra vedecky riadený proces s neustálou kontrolou.
Tradícia, poznanie i náhody priniesli na svet mnoho druhov syra. My ostávame verní syru s vysokou kvalitou.
Charakter syra sa jeho zretím v čase mení. Napokon dospeje až tam, že sa ako priatelia stretneme pri dobrom víne.
© 2025 Syráreň Havran, a.s., Yurkovic Design, tvorba web stránok